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Your essential source on Unity and web development
Your essential source on Unity and web development
On Unity, there are two ways to change the color: via the inspector window or via the code:
Here, we’ll look only at the second method:
To change the color of a SpriteRenderer, utilize the ‘color‘ property.
using UnityEngine;
public class SpriteRendererModifier : MonoBehaviour
public SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;
private void Start()
spriteRenderer.color = Color.white;
To change the color of a 3D object, utilize the “SetColor” method of its material with the “_Color” parameter.
using UnityEngine;
public class MeshRendererModifier : MonoBehaviour
public MeshRenderer meshRenderer;
private void Start()
To change the color of an Image, utilize the ‘color‘ property.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class ImageModifier : MonoBehaviour
public Image image;
private void Start()
image.color =;
To change the color of a RawImage, utilize the ‘color‘ property.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class RawImageModifier : MonoBehaviour
public RawImage rawImage;
private void Start()
rawImage.color =;
To change the color of a text in the UI, utilize the ‘color‘ property.
using UnityEngine;
using TMPro;
public class TextMeshProUGUIModifier : MonoBehaviour
public TextMeshProUGUI textMeshProUGUI;
private void Start()
textMeshProUGUI.color =;
Same as UI, to change the color of a text in a 3d world, utilize the ‘color‘ property.
using UnityEngine;
using TMPro;
public class TextMeshProModifier : MonoBehaviour
public TextMeshPro textMeshPro;
private void Start()
textMeshPro.color =;
To change the color of a button in the UI, utilize the ‘colors’ property.
This property allows each state in the button to be modified independently.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class ButtonModifier : MonoBehaviour
public Button button;
private void Start()
var colors = button.colors;
colors.normalColor =;
colors.highlightedColor =;
colors.pressedColor =;
colors.selectedColor =;
colors.disabledColor =;
button.colors = colors;
It’s a different technique to change the color of a button in the Inspector.
To change the color of particles, utilize the ‘main‘ property. However, it’s a little different in this component. Instead of one, there are three colors: the start color, the color through time, and the color by speed.
Each color uses a specific gradient, the MinMaxGradient, which displays simple colors or gradients.
using UnityEngine;
using static UnityEngine.ParticleSystem;
public class ParticleSystemModifier : MonoBehaviour
public ParticleSystem particleSystemRef;
public MinMaxGradient minMaxGradient;
private void Start()
// Start color
var main = particleSystemRef.main;
main.startColor = minMaxGradient;
// Color over lifetime
var colorOverLifeTime = particleSystemRef.colorOverLifetime;
colorOverLifeTime.color = minMaxGradient;
// Color by speed
var colorBySpeed = particleSystemRef.colorBySpeed;
colorBySpeed.color = minMaxGradient;
To change the color of a trail with a particle, utilize the ‘trails‘ property.
Like particles, the MinMaxGradient set colors.
using UnityEngine;
using static UnityEngine.ParticleSystem;
public class TrailParticleSystemModifier : MonoBehaviour
public ParticleSystem particleSystemRef;
public MinMaxGradient minMaxGradient;
private void Start()
var trails = particleSystemRef.trails;
trails.colorOverLifetime = minMaxGradient;
trails.colorOverTrail = minMaxGradient;
To change the color of a trail, utilize the ‘colorGradient‘ property.
using UnityEngine;
public class TrailRendererModifier : MonoBehaviour
public TrailRenderer trailRenderer;
public Gradient gradient;
private void Start()
trailRenderer.colorGradient = gradient;
To change the color of a line, utilize the ‘colorGradient‘ property
using UnityEngine;
public class LineRendererModifier : MonoBehaviour
public LineRenderer lineRenderer;
public Gradient gradient;
private void Start()
lineRenderer.colorGradient = gradient;
I hope this has helped you.
Changing the color of an object in Unity no longer holds any secrets for you.
Illustration by Magic Creative of Pixabay