Category Unity Editor

Unity – Undo Redo in Editor

Unity undo

On Unity and in almost all other software, you use “CTRL + Z” or “Command + Z” to undo and “CTRL + Y” or “Command + Y” to redo an action. However, when using a custom script in the editor,…

Unity Inspector Button

Unity inspector button

Explore in Unity inspector the addition of a button as part of our series on custom inspectors. We’ll also look at how to fully style it and modify its layout. Adding a Button to the Inspector To integrate a button…

Unity Custom Inspector / Editor

Unity Custom Editor

In Unity, a custom editor empowers us to modify the behavior of the editor for a MonoBehaviour or ScriptableObject. This allows us to customize the inspector by adding new information or completely transforming it. Custom inspector in one of my…

Find Editor and Player Log Files in Unity

Unity logs

In the Unity environment, two types of logs are commonly used: logs originating from the editor and logs from a built version of the game (Player Log). Each platform stores these logs in different locations: Table of contents Unity Editor…