Category Beginner Programming

Unity Int to String Conversion

Unity int to string

In our ongoing exploration of type casting, we now enter into the realm of Unity int to string conversion. We’ll cover fundamental methods and then explore more advanced techniques applicable in specific scenarios. Table of Contents Basic Method for Unity:…

Unity List Length

Unity list length

On Unity, list length can be retrieved by code using a property. Table of contents Unity – Get list length? Using LINQ Method What to do with the length of a list? Tips: Instantiate a list with known length FAQ…

Unity Region, Organize Your Code

Unity region

On Unity, the region directive (#region) allows you to organize your source code logically, improving its readability and maintainability. Create a Region By enclosing sections of your code with #region and #endregion, you create foldable areas in your editor, allowing…

Unity Namespace – How to use them

Unity namespace

In Unity, namespace resolve file-name conflicts and implicitly provide better code organization.Namespaces are common in many languages and are straightforward to use. Table of contents What is a Namespace? Add Our First Unity Namespace Unity Referencing Our Namespace Fix Duplicate…

Converting Float to Int in Unity

Unity float to int

In Unity, converting a floating-point number (float) to an integer (int) is a common operation and can be done in several ways. This article will guide you through the different functions to use for this conversion depending on your use…